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Our Jurors


Joe Frank McKee

Originally from Abilene, Texas, I received a BFA degree from McMurry University in May, 1993 and an MFA degree from the University of North Texas in December, 1996.  I enjoy being a studio potter, participating in art festivals, and wholesaling pottery to other galleries around the country.  I create a wide range of work from functional and fumed pots to traditional Raku and Horsehair pottery.  My decorative lines are more creative and artistic, yet my functional pots keep me in touch with customers who enjoy using pottery on a daily basis.  I have found great joy in working with clay and it has evolved into more than just a fascination, but a livelihood that I hope continues for many years to come.


Judy Brater

I grew up influenced by family artists. Art has been my purpose in life, my chosen vocation. I received my formal education from the University of Cincinnati where I studied painting and ceramics .
For 46 years, I have been developing my craft. Creativity is inspired by my natural surroundings. When I pass on a piece that I have created to a customer who years later will tell me they are still enjoying the piece they acquired, my life is worth every minute I spend in clay!

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Sarah Wells Rolland

Sarah has been a full time professional ceramic artist since 1986. Her work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries all over the South Eastern United States.

The Village Potters Clay Center, in The River Arts District of Asheville NC, was founded and is owned by Sarah and her husband, George Rolland. Sarah’s studio resides there and she teaches in the Advanced Ceramics Studies Program which is a unique part of the center.

Sarah’s work is in permanent collections all over the world and she has been an active member of The Southern Highland Craft Guild since 1991.

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